Monday, June 09, 2008

Do you express yourself enough??

I find myself at some points in life...
where i have to this urge to release my thoughts....
in some way or the other...
otherwise the thoughts rush by themselves,
to jump off the cliff of my mouth...
out into the world...
and in that hurry, most of them vaporize into the ether...
some of them just lie within waiting for the right time...
and eventually get swallowed by the ever thirsty physical being that lies in me...
the hunger for thoughts never dies..
what an irony that we hardly express whatever we feel...
either for the fear of crossing limits...
or for the good of the other...
or to find a way to stop ourselves into getting into unknown spaces...
or thinking we are independent of the rest...
or to prioritize our responsibilities...
or judge everything by over analysing...
well....i could go on and on...
but the question is...
to people you love...
to people you admire...
to people you are angry with...
to people who need you..
to people who seek help..
to people who might help you...
to people...and nature...and everything around?
since language was formed because the connectedness was pushed to obscurity...
we have to seriously think of communication...and EXPRESSION!
i love you all...

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