Thursday, March 01, 2007

Outrage: NYC Pedicab (Cycle Rickshaw) Regulations

NYC against alternative transportation? NYC against reduction of green house gas emissions? NYC council against a better tomorrow?
This is what we call purely outrageous. Can you believe it? NYC council has passed a regulation against the Pedicab (Cycle Rickshaw) industry on its streets owing to 'congestion' and 'safety standards'...whatever that means.
I just got off the phone with the man who pioneered the Pedicab Business and is still fighting the regulations of the NYC council - George Bliss. He needs the support of everyone who's for the pedicab industry. Just remember that there are larger ramifications if we don't fight this right now. Check out this article for more information - NY State Vs. NYC
Also check out Times Up, which is a New York City-based not-for-profit direct-action environmental group that uses events and educational programs to promote a more sustainable, less toxic city.
This is mostly due to the lobbying of the Yellow cabs/Medallion in NYC which are trying to suppress the pedicabs. Check out this video "Inclusively Green" which is an antidote to the video by the yellow cab lobbyists.
Images courtesy:

This is especially disheartening because our documentary film "Men of Burden - Pedaling Towards a Horizon" is advocating the cause of Cycle Rickshaws (Pedicabs)
For more information, check out our website

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